Edition: 2021
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Imprint: Adlard Coles
Language: English
Format: Hardback
The Complete Yachtmaster has been a bestseller since first publication and has established itself as the standard reference for Yachtmaster students as well as skippers of all levels of experience.
In this fully revised and up-to-date 10th edition, Tom Cunliffe brings together all the essentials of modern cruising in one volume. He presents an analysis of a good skipper, the theory and practice of sailing and sail trim, the art of seamanship, accurate navigation including chart plotters and PCs, understanding meteorology, heavy weather preparation, understanding yacht stability and coping with emergencies.
The Complete Yachtmaster builds knowledge as it builds sailing confidence, guiding examination candidates as authoritatively and reassuringly through the RYA syllabus as a sea pilot bringing a ship safely to harbour. Required reading for all skippers and budding skippers, both on board or in the classroom.
'A gem, distilled from decades of experience' Yachting Monthly
'Cunliffe's competence and authority radiate from the pages... thoroughly recommended' Little Ship Club
'There are all too few authors who not only know their subject but can write well about it. Tom Cunliffe is one' Cruising
- Introduction
- The skipper
- The theory of sailing
- Efficient sailing
- Basic seamanship under sail
- Boat handling under sail
- Boat handling under power
- Ropes and ropework
- Anchoring
- Yacht engines
- Sailing in heavy weather
- Navigation – an introduction
- Charts, publications and chart table tools
- Aids to navigation
- Tidal heights
- Tidal streams
- Traditional navigational inputs
- The estimated position
- Classical position fixing
- Satellites and radar
- Course shaping
- Navigational strategy
- Passage planning
- Pilotage
- Passage navigation
- Domestics of a passage
- Fog
- Collision avoidance in poor visibility
- Tactics and navigation in heavy weather
- Damage control
- Emergencies
- Man overboard
- Weather
Appendix: stability in sailing yachts